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2024-2025 Call for Chapter Officer Nominations

The Nominations Committee is requesting nominations for the open leadership positions of the American Society of Landscape Architects, Arizona Chapter, for the 2024-2025 year.


This is your opportunity to nominate yourself or another worthy ASLA Arizona member to participate in our chapter leadership.


This year we have several open positions available for nominations:






Central Section Chair-Elect

Southern Section Chair-Elect


(Please complete the information requested for each nominee)






All nominees must complete the below form to be placed on the ballot by June 30th






Eligibility: Any Full, Active Member who is in good standing.

Duties: This is a one-year term with a subsequent one-year term as President and one-year term as Immediate Past President. In total this is a 3 year commitment. This position shall assist the President in fulfilling the duties of that office. This officer will assume the duties of President after the 2025 Annual Meeting in New Orleans. [You will be President-elect years 2024-2025 after the annual meeting in Washington D.C, October 9, 2024]


Eligibility: Any Full, Active Member who is in good standing.

Duties: This is a two-year term. The treasurer shall: collect all fees, dues, charges, and other funds due the Chapter; be the custodian of all Chapter funds and disburse such funds only as authorized by the Executive Committee; keep the accounts of the Chapter that shall be open at all times to inspection by the Executive Committee; present quarterly reports on the financial condition of the Chapter and year-end financial statements to the Executive Committee; and perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter treasurer or as may be assigned or delegated by the president.


Eligibility: Any Full or Associate Active Member who is in good standing.

Duties: This is a two-year term. The secretary shall: maintain a record of the proceedings of the business meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Committee; prepare and issue notices of the meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Committee; prepare, issue, and receive ballots; administer annual and special elections and notify candidates of election results; serve ex officio as a member of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee; maintain the Constitution and Bylaws of the Chapter; certify documents; and perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter secretary or as may be assigned or delegated by the president.


Eligibility: Any Full, Active Member who is in good standing.

Duties: This is a three-year term. The trustee shall: be informed on Chapter and Society goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and services, and activities and events; serve as an officer on the Executive Committee of the Chapter and serve as the Chapter representative on the Board of Trustees of the Society; facilitate the conduct of the business of the Society by bringing the Chapter perspective to the Board of Trustees and the national perspective to the Executive Committee and members of the Chapter; facilitate the conduct of the business of the Board of Trustees by serving on standing councils or committees, special study groups or task forces, or as a representative or delegate of the Society; and perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter trustee or as may be assigned or delegated by the Board of Trustees of the Society and the Executive Committee of the Chapter.


Eligibility: Any Full or Associate Active Member who is in good standing.

Duties: This is a one year term with a subsequent one-year term as Central Section Chair. Administration of Chapter sections is vested in the Section Chairs and Chair Elects. In total this is a 2 year commitment. The Section Chairs shall: be informed on Chapter goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and services, and activities and events; facilitate the conduct of the business of the Chapter by bringing the section perspective to the Executive Committee & the Chapter perspective to the members of the Section. This position takes office after the annual meeting in New Orleans, October, 2025.


Eligibility: Any Full or Associate Active Member who is in good standing.

Duties: This is a one year term with a subsequent one-year term as Southern Section Chair. Administration of Chapter sections is vested in the Section Chairs and Chair Elects. In total this is a 2 year commitment. The Section Chairs shall: be informed on Chapter goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and services, and activities and events; facilitate the conduct of the business of the Chapter by bringing the section perspective to the Executive Committee & the Chapter perspective to the members of the Section. This position takes office after the annual meeting in New Orleans, October, 2025.

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